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Visions Comes Out on Top in Niche’s 2024 Rankings! is the leading search tool on the internet for finding schools. They just released their 2024 rankings and Visions is proud to share that we claimed spots within the Top 5, including three #1 slots, in both the greater Sacramento area and the county itself. See the numbers!

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Visions' club soccer team huddles together in front of a soccer goal post for a team photo.
Green and cream graphic with the words "Happy Holidays" framed by branches.
A group of Visions staff in festive holiday clothes stands in the front of Visions' board room holding wrapped gifts.
In a navy cap, black sunglasses and green over-the-ear headset, Hunter sits in the cockpit of a plane flying over clouds and looking out over the horizon.
Chase Hand, wearing a black had and all-black racing suit, leans against a black race car with his name and number 27 on it.