Visions News

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Visions Comes Out on Top in Niche’s 2024 Rankings! is the leading search tool on the internet for finding schools. They just released their 2024 rankings and Visions is proud to share that we claimed spots within the Top 5, including three #1 slots, in both the greater Sacramento area and the county itself. See the numbers!

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Visions logo and Improve Your Tomorrow's logo on a yellow background with "Proudly Sponsoring" in blue text next to a photo of two Visions staff members
Superintendent Olmos on the left side of the screen with a teal background on the right that includes the Visions In Education logo and the Youth Development Network logo
Teenage girl with a side ponytail wearing blue reflective sunglasses and a purse diagonally across her body looks down at a pamphlet in her hands.
Painted orange and red pumpkin behind yellow script that reads "Thanksgiving"
Arch with snowflakes and lights over the entrance to a community center room with a winter wonderland sign on it.
Over 250 Visions staff sits around multiple tables in a big community center room and smiles for a group photo.
Visions students and soccer club members in blue jerseys gather in front of the soccer net on the turf for a group photo.
Teenage boy in a white helmet rides a black bull in a rodeo stadium.
Bright red graphic with yellow sun shape, white cross stitch pattern and text that reads "American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month"