TK-8 Home School Frequently Asked Questions

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TK-8 Home School

Yes! Students in grades TK-8 are provided $3,000 a year. These individual student budgets are used for approved curriculum, materials, enrichment vendors and support services.

In Visions’ Home School Academy, parents select from an approved curriculum list and educate their child in their own homes. Parent partners are assisted by a credentialed teacher that provides curriculum advice and to ensure that California State Standards are being met. Student progress is measured by regular work samples and testing that keep students on track to graduate high school. Learn more about home school here.

Yes! Visions In Education is a FREE public charter school.

Homeschooling works best for families who want to take a more involved role in their child’s education. Home School families are provided with a budget to select their own curriculum from a variety of approved vendor options. Parent partners must be willing to provide four to six hours of instruction per day and regularly submit work samples for review.

Students who have their 5th birthday between September 2 and December 2 are eligible to apply for Transitional Kindergarten (TK). This is a two-year kindergarten program. Students five years and older can be homeschooled at any time the parent chooses.

Parents must be available to teach their students four to six hours a day, five days a week. Parent partners are not required to have any specific certifications as they are assigned a credentialed Visions teacher that provides support and ensures state mandated requirements are met. Parents meet with their Visions teacher once every 20 school days virtually or at a mutually agreed upon location.

Visions provides home school parents with all the tools and support they need to start teaching their child at home; no teaching credential required! Our staff and faculty are committed to supporting parent partners every step of the way, from lesson planning to ordering materials and resources. We also provide funding for conferences if parent partners want to develop their teaching skills even further.

Home School Academy students enjoy a variety of social opportunities and school organized activities. These include weekly events, organized play-days, student clubs, enrichment activities, and more!

Learning Assessments provide students with a clear view of where they stand academically and determine what they’re ready to learn next to build their individualized learning plan. Students in grades kindergarten through eighth will participate in the beginning and end of the year assessments using Curriculum Associates (iReady) for reading and math assessments. Learning Assessments will be referenced in the student’s Master Agreement and will be administered to all Visions students.

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) program requires that all public schools in California administer standardized tests designated by the California State Board of Education to all students in grades 3 through 8 and grade 11. We encourage all students to participate in standardized testing. Our goal is to ensure we achieve a 95% participation rate as required by the State of California. Students are typically scheduled to complete these tests at various locations throughout our nine-county service area or online.

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