April is National Volunteer Month

National Volunteer Month is a time to recognize and celebrate the world’s volunteers. All across the globe, volunteers show how collective effort can create positive change, and National Volunteer Month is a chance to say thank you for inspiring change and making a difference.

For more information about National Volunteer Month, see here.

About Visions’ Community Service Club

At Visions, we host a Community Service Club in the Contra Costa area. Twice a month, the club gathers to volunteer at the Contra Costa Food Bank and give back to their community.

Home School Academy teacher Karen Moe founded the Community Service Club after being inspired by a former student who used to volunteer with his mom. Now serving as the club advisor, Karen works with another Home School teacher, Tami Muniz, to organize and oversee the club’s visits to the food bank.

“We have eight students, two parents, one grandparent and two CTs [in the club],” says Karen. “It has been wonderful to get to know new students from other regions. Each time, the students learn a little more and are given a little more responsibility, learning valuable leadership and interpersonal skills.”

Karen and the club members continue to learn about the food bank’s mission and the people they serve, and while they’re sorting through produce, sharing their favorite recipes, and telling funny family stories, they have the chance to connect over their shared passion and purpose of giving back.

“It is a chance for all of us to reflect upon our purpose and ways we can help others. I feel like our students have increased empathy for others’ needs, tolerance for people in all types of situations, and awareness of food waste. I hope our Community Service Club continues to grow,” Karen shares.

For the students in the club, giving back is an important part of their every day lives. In serving the members of their community, they’ve come to recognize the value of generosity, selflessness, and helping those in need. Thank you Karen, Tami and our students for your work out in our communities!