Celebrating Our Classified Staff: Connecting to Purpose with Armoni Easley

On October 13th, our classified staff had the opportunity to engage in a personal and professional development session led by Armoni Easley, co-founder of Project Optimism and author of LifeWorkan interactive self-development book designed to inspire readers to find and connect to their purpose. In the few hours spent with Armoni, staff got the chance to connect to the students they’re serving, one another and themselves.

The Good Work

As a group, Armoni led staff through a number of prompts in LifeWork, including “sending flowers” to someone special that they wanted to recognize, listing things that they’re proud of and reflecting on three things that they want to do within their lifetime. These prompts not only helped them get better in touch with themselves, but also helped connect their desires to their mission and purpose. Thank you to the many individuals who stood up to share their stories. Click below to see some photos from the day!

Head, Heart and Feet

Armoni closed the day by leading the group through a “Head, Heart and Feet” exercise, inviting them to share something they were thinking, something they were feeling or something they were taking away from the session. Many shared their appreciation for this self-devoted time and for the opportunity to shift their thinking.

“For me, the Project Optimism workshop showed me that when we look for the good, when we look for the positive in every situation, we are bound to find it,” shares Kristin Shumaker, Vendor Analyst. “Optimism is a choice, and sometimes purposefully reframing our experiences to reflect that will flip a negative situation into a positive learning moment and an opportunity for growth.”

In addition to LifeWork, staff got to leave with tools to help them connect to their purpose, their life goals and their legacy. Thank you to Armoni and the team at Project Optimism for inviting and guiding our classified staff through this space.