Visions News

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Visions Comes Out on Top in Niche’s 2024 Rankings! is the leading search tool on the internet for finding schools. They just released their 2024 rankings and Visions is proud to share that we claimed spots within the Top 5, including three #1 slots, in both the greater Sacramento area and the county itself. See the numbers!

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Panoramic photo of a large group of Visions staff sit in their seats in a conference room smiling for the camera
Four images displaying a teenage boy doing robotics, a young girl with her karate instructor, a teenager riding a horse and high fiving another girl next to her, and a group of teens doing a shared learning activity.
Blue banner with yellow and white outlined letters STS at the top and yellow and white words Student Technology Services established 2021 on a tech background.
Large group of Visions leaders, administrators and managers gather and smile for a group photo
High school girl smiles in bright blue graduation cap and gown wearing yellow tassels at her high school graduation.
High school student smiles for his photo wearing glasses and a shirt with a Rubik's Cube on it
Lenny, eSports champ, Visions graduate and STS staff member gives the peace sign at high school graduation
Student learning from home to escape the drama of traditional high school.
Redheaded high school female in a white dress poses in an open field for graduation pictures
Female board member poses with award, graphic includes "thank you" message and Visions star logo